Episode 57: Trust &Happiness

Trust is an important factor in every relationship, including your relationship with yourself.

Lack of self trust in practice means that we need constant reassurance from others when making decisions, we don’t try new things because we are uncertain of our skills and we are not consistent in keeping our promises. Ultimately, without self trust we cannot follow our dreams and get to our happy place.

In this episode, Klaudia speaks with Laura Cruise, The Dream Transition Mentor. Laura helps women who are stuck, trapped and unfulfilled in corporate life to build the confidence and self trust alongside a practical plan so that they can transition into their own freedom based business in order to experience freedom, flow, fulfilment and fun in every aspect of their life.

In the episode Trust &Happiness, Klaudia and Laura are specifically discussing:

  • Why is trusting ourselves important to our happiness?

  • How can we build trust in ourselves to take the first step towards a new adventure?

  • What type of dreamer you are when it comes to goal setting?

  • How to gain the trust of others so they can support our dreams and goals?

Take Laura’s quiz What type of dreamer are you?


Episode 58: Self-compassion &Happiness


Episode 56: New Year &Happiness